Sunday, 13 December 2009
Bring Back Hanging.
On the day it emerged that Tony Blair would have sent our troups into Iraq whether Suddam had WMD's or not, ( Really, I thought we went in to sit on the oil reserves, silly me) a more frightening story found itself wandering around the Associated Press.
It was revealed that a 12 year old boy, Joel Bradley from Liverpool had been allegedly caught selling a packet of Disco's, ( Circular Crisps) to another pupil at his school for 50p. Turns out the school in question, Cardinal Heenan High School isn't too keen on unhealthy eating during school hours, probably after being contacted by food molestor Jamie Oliver at some point. Eating lard out of tins and spooning margarine out of tubs 'til your heart pops is o.k. just as long as it isn't practised during school hours.
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that this exact practice was where Dragons Den star Duncan Bannatyne started off before getting his first ice-cream van.
Joels father feels he is partly to blame for his sons heinous crime.
"I used to sell canned drinks, crisps and chocolate bars to kids from a van parked near the school." A right fucking crack dealer then.
Now, I'm not sure what's worse.
The school for nannying these poor children to the point where "Sweeties" become the new "Crack Cocaine", the fact that it was considered to be a suspendable offence or that Joel had marked his crisps up to 50p.
Or more to the point killing the spirit of enterprise in a young lad before he's even left school.
I'm wondering if they have healthy snack machines at this school? Many do.
Maybe that was the real issue at hand here.
On the day the ex Prime Minister nonchalantly admits he was responsible for the death of thousands for all the wrong reasons a young man under the education system the ex P.M. is also partially responsible for grinding into a state of statistics kills the spirit of another young chap.
Britain died a little more today and I'm becoming less and less proud of my country and what it stands for by the second.