In the late 1960's the planets population was approx 3.8 billion people. As of the end of this year it's estimated the planets population will be around the 7 billion people mark. Now, in my lifetime the amount of men , women and celebrities on this planet has doubled.
So, that's another 3.5 billion people to feed, clothe, house and find jobs for.
It's also a stress on the world economy.
In 1893 and again in the 1920's/1930's America had to battle its way out of 2 depressions. Mass unemployment, a weak dollar and some bad years for the farming community led to some dark years for the old US of A. Hoovervilles (Shanty towns named after president Hoover) sprung up all over America, hnger marches became common place and if it hadn't of been for the intervention of some of the countries biggest industrialists they may still be in the shit now, the economists at the time failing to find a solution to the problem.
And the Yanks weren't the only ones in the shit.
Here in England we were having it a bit rough too as was the rest of the world.
The problem with economics is this, the models on which the economy bases itself is a constantly changing animal, the minute you think you have it sussed the goalposts move and as any economist will tell you, the biggest mover is the population where in you can predict what it is, but not on how it will impact everything else.
Forget asteroids hitting us, forget natural disasters, forget Simon Cowell. THE biggest threat to this little ball we live on at this moment in time is over population. The damage it causes is far reaching, affecting not only the economy, but food resources, the rapid consumption of fossil fuels and the mass depleation of the rain forests. All this to feed, clothe, house and add a box and napkin to your McDonalds family meal.
By 2050, the time that your babies will be my age now, it's estimated that the world population will be around 10 billion. Fossil fuels will be depleated, and I fear we are going to enter a new dark era of depression. One that makes the depressions before look like playtime, because when the oil's gone it's going to be a whole new world of struggle I assure you. What we need is time to let the scientists to catch up with a solution to a replacement to fossil fuels, one that's economical and sustainable because at the rate were going it's going to run out quicker than anybody thought.
So, next time the misses gets a bit broody and mentions having another window licker to keep her company along with the other two, stop, think and have a wank.
For now, it may just give us the time we need to breathe. Forget going green, go white.
Trust me, it's going to save the planet in the long run.
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