Sunday, 16 January 2011

Can I help you?

Now, there can't be much worse than returning to your car to find that someone is trying to steal it. And if you're feeling pretty helpless because you don't know what to do, or are scared, your only option is to ring 999.

But.............................. not in Seattle.

In Seattle they have Phoenix Jones.

Recently he came to the aid of a chap who only wanted to be identified as "Dan" when he was in such a predicament. Say's Dan, 'This guy comes dashing in, wearing this skin-tight rubber, black and gold suit, and starts chasing him away.'

He also admitted to not wanting to own up to this encounter to his friends just in case they thought he was pissed at the time.

Phoenix Jones believe it or not, works in a comic shop. Yep, he's a cliche. He's also not alone with his crime fighting pals , Thorn, Buster Doe, Green Reaper, Gemini, No Name, Catastrophe, Thunder 88 and Penelope.

This group of masked vigliantes are known to the Seattle police too

Police department spokesman Jeff Kappel said: 'There's nothing wrong with citizens getting involved with the criminal justice process - as long as they follow it all the way through.'

Phoenix has pointed out though that this isn't something that everybody should be doing. Oh no.

'Everyone on my team either has a military background or a mixed martial arts background, and we're well aware of what it costs to do what we do'

He also added that they had informed the local police to ignore Captain Ozone and the Knight Owl becuse they're not part of his little band of Merry Men. Obviously splitters.
And dont let the suit fool you. It incorporates a kevlar vest and high impact trauma padding around sensitive areas, he also carries a Tazer stun bar which looks like a cattle prod, some Mace and is probably armed with some pretty well rehearsed quips.
I think it's great. Well great until one of these vigilantes gets shot in the face.
But here's the thing, at least they're standing up for something, fighting to clean up their community and in that i applaud them. Even if it's a bit of self serving publicity. Even if they end up on Good Morning America. I still think it's a good thing.
Yesterday I helped one of my old age pensioner neighbours in with her shopping. And I held the door open for someone at the barbers.
Maybe there's a bit of Superhero in all of us.
Only difference is, i'm not going to dress up like a cunt to be one. And neither should you.

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