Facebook may be starting to see a trend of users using its site less than they did before. Some of the most common reasons are-
Invasion of Privacy
Restrictive Practice
Slow practice of dealing with personal attacks
Protection of its Members
However, the most common reason seems to be its size.
Smaller Social Networking sites are beginning to thrive using different platforms such as Ning which now has various packages for various open Social Networking sites. Facebook makes its revenue from advertising and the selling of its data to various markets and last year made over a billion dollars. Thats how people pay for Facebook, it's not free, it's like selling your soul a little to gain access to its site.
Smaller sites like Fuzzies Playground are beginning to pop up, some using Adsense to pay their way, some charging to niche members an annual fee to pay for servers and bandwidth. These are becoming more and more popular due to the fact that memberships of these sites are controlable in ways that Facebook can only dream of.
Sites like Fuzzies Playground use Paypal to verify membership meaning that fake accounts and spammers are kept out of the site as are trolls and internet spoilers. People seem to forget that the internet is a pretty lawless place without many guidelines and in many views too little restriction.
Sites like this also tend to control their data one way, so anything data wise that comes in is kept in and not sold on to marketing companies which can only be good for its members. So, should we embrace these smaller sites or stick with the established giant that is Facebook? Well, Facebook has its place, it grows because of it's simplicity but more and more members are craving something a little more niche, little more sophisticated as they pass the Social Networking learning curve.
So, has Facebook had it's day? I very much doubt it. But, I do feel that big changes are due.
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