Thursday, 19 August 2010
2012, Planet X and all that.
We're all going to die. All of us.
Apparently some reckon its going to be in 2012.
The Mayans and the Babylonians believed it.
Nancy Lieder believes it too. She was contacted by space aliens called Zetas who implanted a communication device in her head to let us know of our impending doom. Nobody so far has been able to find this communication device in here head or even the space aliens that put it there, but hey, who are we to disbelieve her?
Personally i'd have thought the Zetas would have been a lot more vocal in letting us know we're all going to snuff it, but maybe they're too busy wandering other planets with sentient lifeforms telling them they're all going to die too.
This was all meant to have happened in 2003 but many have revised the day of the coming of the planet to December 2012. Before or after Christmas nobody really knows, so some of you might want to leave getting Xmas presents 'til the last minute instead of idly wasting your time.
She even went on the radio in the US to try and convince people to have their pets put to sleep, also noting that a dog makes a good meal. (How she knows this I dont know, but suspect the space aliens told her this after sucking the blood out of a few cows and leaving them in a fields and moving on to Rex and Benjy for dessert.) When 2003 passed Lieder explained her radio interview was a "White lie to fool the establishment" but 1000's of Americans were up in arms after they had eaten Shep and Tiddles at Thanksgiving.
Many believers of the Planet X hypothisis accuse NASA of covering up our impending doom. Some bloke called Mike Brown now says that Nibiru is the most common pseudoscientific topic he is asked about.
So, what's the upshot of all this?
Well, either this planet is going to smash into the side of us and kill us all.
This planet is going to come so close to the Earth that it will stop our home rotating for nearly a week, cause a polar tilt and we all fall off and die.
Either way, we all die.
All this and Project Enoch. (Might want to Google that one)
Am I bothered about this in any way, shape or form?
Well, if i'm going i'm leaving nobody behind, nor are you. I'm also not going to be eating my bloody dog either.
This is of course if any of this does happen.
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