Monday, 17 May 2010


The sad fact is, I used to have a Facebook account.
I know, I know. Well, I know now.

I have a fair few friends who live their lives through Fuckbook and Twatter, updating their status everytime they have a piss or a cup of tea. They join groups like " John down the road is a cunt because he has a Mini" 33 members or "Spunk Floats" 45 members.
I had a few like "WankBreak" and

The Masterbation Appreciation Society

of which I was particularly proud. 64 members. Literally. Sadly has now been cloned by some spunk monkey that nicked my idea.
So, there you go, that pretty much seems to sum up Facebook. Or does it?
In between people tending to their digital farms, pets and having digital wars with other mafia factions there is something quite disturbing about the whole thing.
Lets leave the massive hole security issues for another blog because what I want to talk about is how Facebook changes the psychology of those that use it. I have one mate that has over 4000 friends on there. I'm pretty sure that out of that 4000+ he knows about 20 of them, the rest are digital avatars that tend to project a false projection of themselves to all that listen.
The nerds become Rambo's.
The poor become self employed.
The frigid become nympho's.

You can see where this is going can't you, doesn't need me to hammer it home by spelling it out.
And in that, it's not a good thing. At all.
Walter Mitty rules enough of the internet as it is, without getting his teeth into the semi real world that is the world's biggest social networking site.
The problem is, this new found bravado found by those is slowly seeping into the real world and people are actually beginning to believe what they've made themselves in cyberspace is pretty much what they are in the real world, and comments like "Dont fuck with me dickhead, i've got 2346 friends and you pick on me again and we'll start a group against you" are surely going to get you tied feet first to the back of a van and what's left boiled in a vat of hot piss.
It doesn't really transfer very well to the real world where I can guarantee when this happens your new found bravery is going to get you a nice, neatly packaged punch in the throat at the very least.

So, my advice, stop being self absorbed and get a life again, theres only so much masterbation and pretence that the internet can take.
It's not much better in the real world mind you, but look at it this way, you'll get some fucking fresh air and might not get the kickin' your new ego is setting you up for. That goes for you and your 400,000,000 friends. Meh.

What's on your mind?
Fuck you Facebook, that's what's on my mind.